bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one in English


disrespect the person who cares for one, maltreat someone who provides for one

Use "bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one", or refer to the context using the word "bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one" in the English Dictionary.

1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 

2. The judge says, " Boy, don't bite the hand that feeds you. "

3. Evidently, magazines that advertise tobacco products can hardly bite the hand that feeds them.

4. They lick your hand one minute, bite your neck the next.

5. There is a gnat bite on my hand.

6. The Budtender is the hand that feeds

7. And they wanna bite off more than your hand.

8. Should they then turn around to bite the hand that takes down their volunteered confessions, they will fail.

9. I really only had one bite.

10. A Brawler is a hand-to-hand fighter that excels in one-on-one duels

11. Antonio devoured half his burger in one bite.

12. You cannot eat a bun in one bite.

13. One more promising career at Ford would bite the dust.

14. An example of an Aggressive dog is one that tries to bite or hurt others.

15. Why do generally honest employees take from the hand that feeds them?

16. Dogs that bark don't bite.

17. Great inaugural speeches generally have one memorable sound bite.

18. One bite and you and I will finally share the throne.

19. He devoured half of his burger in one bite.

20. I'd like to bite that lip.

21. 29 You know, the one that takes a healthy bite from your paycheck day after day, year after year?

22. One hand washes the other.

23. Bitewing-Ease is an "All-in-One" seamless barrier sleeve, comfort cushion and bite-wing tab designed for bite-wings

24. One possibility is tetanus from the glass jar that sliced your hand.

25. She must've sneaked into the pantry one day when nobody was looking and taken a bite out of that jelly.